“Why am I laughing so much? Am I high?”
The other day Cam came into OmBaked and asked us if we could help him. He and his wife, Jane, had just moved to the area and were dealing with lots of changes - a new city, a new house, and new jobs.
Managing all the changes, the logistics of the move, and organizing their new life - it was all getting to Jane. Her stress was through the roof and Cam was worried about her. She needed relief. So, he had come to OmBaked to see if we could help them get some relief from all this stress.
After talking to Cam some more, we sent him home with an assortment of goodies: massage oil, gummies, seltzers, and bath bombs. We were hoping that a combination of these would help bring down their stress levels so that everything would go smoother for both of them.
A few days later, a radiant woman with a gorgeous smile breezed into OmBaked. Cam came in after her. It was Jane and she was an absolute ray of sunshine!
Turns out, they had used the goodies Cam had picked up and they came to OmBaked to thank us!
Cam said that the bath bombs and massage oil candles he had got at OmBaked had helped them relax – enjoy each other’s company - when they were in the thick of it. The massage oil, with its relaxing fragrances, had come in handy to ease sore muscles and reconnect them with each other at the end of the long days of unpacking.
Jane and Cam used the gummies when tempers rose around how to organize their new space! Both Cam & Jane agreed that they felt the gummies brought down the temperature of their discussions and helped them hear each other.
Jane told us that the previous evening, they had celebrated being in their new home with a couple of seltzers, instead of their usual glasses of wine.
Then Jane said something interesting, “Last evening, after having a seltzer, I started giggling and laughing. Everything seemed to make me happy. I felt great, but now I am wondering if I was high?”
Cam chimed in, “Yeah! I’ve never seen her like that! It was awesome!!!”
I said, “Nothing at OmBaked will make you high. I don’t know what made you laugh so much.”
After talking to them a little more, both of them agreed that Jane had a pretty high level of anxiety in general and found it hard to unwind. A glass of wine sometimes did the trick, but there was always the possibility that alcohol would make her feel sad; sometimes she would even start crying. Which obviously didn’t help her or Cam.
As Jane, Cam, and I were mulling this over, something dawned on me.
I said, “Like I said, nothing at OmBaked will make you high. But, sometimes after having a piece of CBD chocolate or a gummy, I feel kinda giggly. It’s like a weight has been lifted off me. I feel lighter. Maybe what is happening is this: as your anxiety faded away last evening, your true nature came out. Maybe under all the stress you are a giggly, happy person!”
Jane and Cam agreed! When life wasn’t getting her down, Jane was a happy person who giggled and laughed easily! It just didn’t happen often and it hadn’t happened in a very long time.
So, we came up with an analogy. Maybe humans are like the leaves of a tree. As long as leaves have their coat of chlorophyll, they are all green. At the end of summer, when the chlorophyll breaks down, the leaves’ true, vibrant colors burst out and we are treated to a riot of yellow, red, and orange!
Perhaps that is the same with stress and anxiety. When we are stressed or anxious, our true natures are hidden. Once we shed our layer of stress, our authentic self is revealed – for us and everyone around us to enjoy!
So, let’s raise a CBD seltzer to getting rid of stress and revealing our vibrant colors in all their glory!
CBD products are not for use by or sale to persons under the age of 21. CBD products should only be consumed as directed on the label and should not be used if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult with a health professional prior to using CBD in combination with any medications or other dietary supplements. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.